Wednesday 2 April 2014

NYSUT UPDATE: UFT Sells Out on Charter Law in Exchange for Cuomo Tossing a Bone on Evals to Cut Iannuzzi

It will be even more interesting to see how the election results affect the delegates and the union. Will they all close ranks behind the next regime? Or will the divisions opened up during the campaign linger on?.. Mike Antonucci, EIA
Insiders are telling me that Cuomo throwing Mulgrew an olive branch on teacher evals yesterday was a way to slap Iannuzzi and help Mulgrew in NYSUT election - a sign it is closer than we thought. Mike Antonucci seems to think so too.

In exchange, UFT was quiet as a mouse in disastrous charter deal that will end up costing the UFT thousands of working members over the next few years as charters grow into a much as 10% of the school system. Actually, I'm predicting that this new charter enhancement bill will have a tsunami effect -- think accelerating greenhouse effect and global warming -- ice pack melts, etc.

This is the charter equivalent -- watch charters grow to 30% in a decade as the state legislature keeps expanding the charter cap -- see millions in commercials spent on that coming soon. UFT will barely organize any of them and end up losing 15,000 members.

If Dick wins, no NYSUT endorsement for Cuomo.
If Mulgrew wins and NYSUT endorses Cuomo there will be a revolt - esp w Cuomo support for charters.

Mike Antonucci who gave Revise a slam dunk not long ago now sees a closer election.

Mike is right on that but wrong on a few things in not bringing up the Cuomo issue. He is also wrong that national AFT has little impact on local stuff. National AFT and local UFT are one and the same -- under the control of the same people on all levels.

Mike doesn't see that the key is Randi's ties to Dem party. Randi still controls Mulgrew and UFT. This is her deal as much as anyone's -- she wants to be a player in Dem party and Iannuzzi revolt threatened that.

Summing up:
  • UFT/Randi have sacrificed long-term interests of union for short-term stool at the Cuomo table.
  • No matter what they have fomented a permanent split in NYSUT that cannot be healed -- though watch them attack the people they just finished going after for being "divisive."
  • This will carry over to the national AFT as alliances are built between the NYSUT anti-Unity crew and others around the nation wanting to challenge Randi's leadership.
  • Ed Notes will be there to cover everything as I continue to not have a life.
 From Antonucci EIA:

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 10:53 AM PDT
The incumbent has the support of more than 300 locals, and the challenger has the support of all the largest ones. Barring something utterly extraordinary, Karen Magee will become the new president of New York State United Teachers, but by a less-than-impressive margin.
Almost all of the union’s business will be conducted prior to the election on Saturday evening, and it will be interesting to see how much the battle between the two caucuses affects other areas.
Former NYSUT president Tom Hobart will be receiving an award. He has endorsed incumbent president Richard Iannuzzi. AFT president Randi Weingarten will address the delegates. Her local, the United Federation of Teachers, is the driving force behind the challenger. John Stocks, the executive director of NEA, will also speak. The national union has little influence on NYSUT, and its staunch support of Common Core has hit swirling rapids in New York.
It will be even more interesting to see how the election results affect the delegates and the union. Will they all close ranks behind the next regime? Or will the divisions opened up during the campaign linger on?


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