Sunday 13 April 2014

UFT Astroturf AQE Wants "Credit" for Horrendous Cuomo Ed Budget with Charter Giveaway

At certain critical moments in labor struggles, things really do evolve to the point of it all being about Them and Us.
Them: so-called reformers, made up of edu-preneurs, privateers, malanthropists, PR flacks and advocates, opportunists, naifs, parasites and political enablers: the entire reform-industrial complex. Them.
Us: classroom teachers, students, parents and supporters of public education and the public good. The Union, in its truest, most practical and most aspirational sense. Us.
Weingrew is Them
..... Michael Fiorillo, comment at NYC Educator
The Governor should give credit where credit is due; it was the hard work of parents, students, teachers and the State Assembly leadership that allowed for a $1.1 billion increase....Alliance for Quality Education
I responded to the above quote from the AQE email below:
You've got to be kidding. So you're doing a victory lap for the giveaway of the school system to the charter lobby? Shameful.
Many people are fooled by groups like AQE. One of the leading voices from one of these groups sends a child to the UFT charter school, co-located in a public school. Really, what a game, what a sham.

Billy Easton has sold out repeatedly to the UFT/pro-mayoral control/pro-charter (when it suits them) agenda.

And AQE played no role that I could see in the anti-Cuomo charter giveaway rally the other day.

Time for everyone to declare themselves in the battle for public education -- all in and if not you are on the other side.

James Eterno posted this analysis of the threat of the charter movement on the ICE blog:


For Immediate Release: April 10, 2014


Billy Easton, Executive Director, AQE / (518) 461-9171


AQE Slams Governor Cuomo's Victory Lap on School Aid 

Governor Cuomo Wrongly Claims Credit for 5% Increase in School Aid That He Stood Against

ALBANY, NY - Following Governor Cuomo's speech on the 2014-15 state budget in Monroe County, Billy Easton the Executive Director of the Alliance for Quality Education released the following statement: 

"Governor Cuomo is taking a victory lap on the state budget, but when it comes to school aid he is claiming credit for a victory for which he provided zero leadership. The Governor should give credit where credit is due; it was the hard work of parents, students, teachers and the State Assembly leadership that allowed for a $1.1 billion increase. The legislature added $500 million to the Governor's lousy proposed budget, and every other year he has consistently underfunded our schools. Let's be clear, the '5% increase' in funding that Governor Cuomo is touting was won despite his opposition, and not because of his efforts," said Billy Easton.


About AQE
The Alliance for Quality Education is a coalition mobilizing communities across the state to keep New York true to its promise of ensuring a high quality public education to all students regardless of zip code, income or race. Combining its legislative and policy expertise with grassroots organizing, AQE advances proven-to-work strategies that lead to student success and echo a powerful public demand for a high quality education.


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