Thursday 10 April 2014

Protesting Charter Lobby Influence -- Unique Coalitions Formed - and in Formation

To all who came, thank you.  To all who will come the next time, we'll keep you posted on the next action.  In short it was a GREAT day, GREAT day.  So many showed my estimate at least 300, may be more.  We had reps from many elected officials, Liz Kruger and Danny Dromm were there.  Danny spoke.  Bob Jackson was there.
Our march to Cuomo's office had a police escort and a hot band with a New Orleans sound. We delivered a postcard with names and quotes. 
We did this in 8 days;
We didn't take kids out of school
We didn't rent buses
We didn't buy tee-shirts
We are the 96%
We vote
More to come...
............................Ellen McHugh --

CEC/Citywide Councils and parents act!

One thing about the 1% - or the 6% and their billionaire backers -- they are so used to getting their way they always reach too far. This charter law may have been enough to drive even people sitting on the charter fence over the edge.

I loved the smile on Ellen's face. And as Ellen points out - this did not take closing schools, or millions from billionaires -- just true grassroots parents from many of the elected councils in the city. And they are pissed at the charter giveaway. And this all started about a week ago.

Raging Horse has a report and pix:

By the way, no sightings of anyone officially connected to the UFT/Unity Caucus leadership. But I did see a bunch of MOREistas and Change the Stakesers.

Julie and a BIG Jack -what's really in that bottle?

3 Happy Fellas: Patrick Walsh, John Lawhead, Michael Fiorillo

My political son - Mike Schirtzer - never takes off his MORE 3XXX shirt - heading for Japan with a teen tour this week

Mike, Fred Smith, Ruth Silver

Is that a grin on her face or a grimace?
I did manage to drag my wife along, who never rallies or protests (except against me) - but she despises Cuomo so much -- for her own reasons, not the least of which is his connection to awful chef Sandra Lee (my wife is a serious cooking show viewer.) She made me take her to dinner after -- bribery still works as we are about to hit the 43 year mark in 2 months - if we survive those 26 members of her family coming for Passover Monday -- anyone have sanctuary for me?

We had just come from taping an interview with former Councilwoman and major political influence for so many years (and Jimmy Breslin's wife) Ronnie Eldridge for a Manhattan Neighborhood Network show I assist with called Active Aging, which promotes the idea that as people age they don't have to stop doing things. Thanks to Pat Dobosz for this rare photo of the 2 of us together at a protest.

More pics and maybe some video in follow-ups.


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