Wednesday 23 April 2014

Join CTS in Test Protest on the Steppes of Tweed Thursday, April 24th, 4PM

Bodies do count -- real bodies, not phony ones Eva closes her schools for. So if people help pack the steps of Tweed into overflow, it does make a difference. So, yes, I shall leave the comfort of my backyard and shlep into the city for the event - camera in holster. Hope to see you there.

Please join us for rally and press conference to demand Not One More Year Lost – Our Children are More than a Test Score!

    Thursday, April 24th @ 4 PM
WHERE:  NYC Department of Education, 52 Chambers Street
WHO:      All families, educators, and supporters of educational justice
HOW:      More info here and please accept and share the Facebook invite
WHY: We will be uniting to demand policies that support our children and our schools.
What do we want?
- We want real learning every day NOT test prep
- We want transparent, developmentally appropriate and valid assessments
- We want child-centered, rich curriculum
- We want standards that truly support child learning
- We want funding for schools not for private testing companies
Make your own signs!!  Some of the themes for the action are:
- We demand REAL accountability from the top, not on the backs of our children
- Listen to the parents
- Release the test
- Our children and our jobs as teachers are NOT FOR SALE
- Keep the money in the classroom

Change the Stakes
Follow us on Twitter or on our Facebook page
Please sign our petition to demand that NYS give parents the right to opt out


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