Saturday 12 April 2014

UPDATE: Fleur de Lys

Hold on to your real estate horses, children. Property records have cleared and despite all the flabbergast and publicity over that last week or so about how wealthy divorcée Suzanne Saperstein sold her proudly palatial Los Angeles estate known 'round the globe as Fleur de Lys to a French billionaire—or maybe junk bond king Michael Milken—for an astonishing $102 million in an all cash transaction, the amount actually recorded on the 28th of March, 2014, with the Los Angeles County Tax Man is curiously and considerably less at $88.3 million.

Perhaps and probably the buyer—who almost immediately upon closing put the property up for long term lease at $400,000 per month—shelled out another $13.7 million for furnishings and other personal items that fall outside the legal definition* of real estate that ballooned the deal to the much reported $102 million. 

*According to the California Bureau of Real Estate, real estate—otherwise known as "real property"—includes, "Land and anything growing on, attached to, or erected on it, excluding anything that may be severed without injury to the land."

aerial photo: Pacific Coast News


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