Wednesday 23 April 2014

Mid-Week Pick Up Sticks: Anderson Cooper

First he put it up for lease it for the 2014 summer season at a rate of $150,000. We don't know if there were any takers but now, as the busy real estate beavers at Curbed revealed, CNN silver fox Anderson Cooper listed one of his two, multi-acre creek front properties in the little lauded Hamptons community of Quiogue (NY) up for sale with an asking price of $2.999.

Mister Cooper acquired the five bedroom and 5.5 bathroom shingled ranch-cottage on 2.4 acres in late 2011 for $1.7 million. The seller was the widow of Oscar-winning screenwriter Budd Schulberg who wrote the iconic 1954 film On the Waterfront starring Marlon Brando.

What Your Mama wants to know is why Kathy Griffin doesn't buy the damn house just to annoy her the well-born serial giggler b.f.f. (Don't act like you can't afford it Miss Griffin, ever-body knows you clawed your way from the D list to the B list and you got more money than half of Hollywood, okay?)

listing photo: Douglas Elliman Real Estate


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