Wednesday 9 April 2014

Videos: Unity Caucus Bullies Jeer Protestors Opposed to Bill Gates at the AFT - Randi Eggs Them on - Chastised by Delegate

[Your actions] made me feel that Bill Gates was more important than our brothers and sisters.... delegate to Randi Weingarten, Seattle, 2010...

Given what happened at the NYSUT RA this past weekend with the Unity bullies in action, here are 3 videos I put together at the AFT Convention in Seattle in July 2010 showing that their behavior was not that unusual.

Video 1 - David Bellel and I recreated our version of the famous Apple lemming commercial take down of IBM. You can see the original here:

Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial Introducing Macintosh Computer (HD)

Here we replace IBM with Unity Caucus and the dissident is CORE from Chicago.


And here is the video I put together of the walk out and jeering from Unity Caucus with Randi grinning with glee. She was chastised by a delegate from California the next day -- that video below this one.


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