Tuesday 1 April 2014

Change the Stakes -- Tonight CEC19 (East NY, Brownsville)

CTS continues its outreach and message to communities regarding testing and opting out.

From Katie Lapham, MORE steering committee
 - Jia Lee, Fred Smith (Change the Stakes) and I are going to attend the CEC D19 meeting tonight. We are on the agenda to speak about testing. I teach in D19. It's from 6:45 - 9:45 pm; here's the address.
Place: P.S. 13
Address: 557 Pennsylvania Ave.between Livonia and Riverdale
Nearest subway: 3 train, get off at Pennsylvania Ave.
Only 2 blocks from where I grew up on Alabama and Riverdale - and PS 13 used to be Jefferson HS football field and sports complex where we cut our teeth playing basketball on hoops that ranged from 7 foot on up - yes, even I could dunk on those hoops. I'm going to try to get there to tape some of it.


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