Tuesday 11 March 2014

ADVISORY: TODAY, 11am CM Dromm, Large Majority of City Council to Blast #CuomoCuts-- City Hall Steps

Julian Vinocur, julian@aqeny.org212.328.9268

Large Majority of NYC Council to Demand Public School Funding Increase, Following Gov's Promise to Give More to Charter Schools Instead

Led by Councilmember Daniel Dromm, Large Majority of Councilmembers to Release Sign-on Letter Calling on State to Comply with CFE & Increase School Aid

*TODAY, Tuesday, March 11th, at 11AM. 
Steps of City Hall*
WHO: Chair of the Education Committee Councilmember (CM) Daniel Dromm; CM Fernando Cabrera; CM Chaim Deutsch; CM Rafael Espinal; CM Mathieu Eugene; CM Ben Kallos; CM Brad Lander; CM Antonio Reynoso; CM Helen Rosenthal - *COUNCIL LIST STILL IN FORMATION* - David Sciarra, from Campaign for Fiscal Equity ProjectPublic school parents and advocates from the Alliance for Quality Education. 

WHAT: A day before the NYS legislature approves their one-house budgets in Albany, a large majority of the New York City Council, led by Councilmember Daniel Dromm will release a sign-on letter calling on state to go above and beyond what the Governor has proposed on school aid for public schools. The letter follows the Governor's controversial comments, promising to increase funding for the 3% of students across the state that go to privately-run charter schools, while proposing an inadequate budget that will yield more classrooms cuts for the 97% of students that attend traditional public schools.

*Participants will be tweeting using #CuomoCuts*

WHEN: Today, March 11th, at 11AM.

WHERE: City Hall Steps, Lower Manhattan.


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