Saturday 8 March 2014

BREAKING NEWS: the Assembly will do last minute interviews on Monday because Democrats are saying they will VOTE NO on incumbents

I dropped by my state assemblyman Phi Goldfeder's office the other day with some materials on this Regent election.

From Carol Burris:
Dear friend of public education
 On Tuesday, the legislature will vote yea or nay on the re-appointment of the 4 incumbent Regents.  Often we hear that the legislature does not control education policy and therefore there is little that can be done to influence the course of testing , data collection and the Common Core.
This, the appointment of the Regents, is your representative's  best and most direct opportunity to influence educational policy and 
be responsive to the thousands who came out to express their unhappiness at forums across the state.
BREAKING NEWS: the Assembly will do last minute interviews on Monday because Democrats are saying they will VOTE NO on incumbents
Please write to your representative and send a simple message: Vote "no" for the re-appoinment of the four incumbents. Follow up with a phone call. Send a message on twitter.
Let them know you will be watching.
You can find their contact information here:

Thank you,


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