Sunday 9 March 2014

Monday March 10, 4PM: Rally at Harlem School for Victims of Moskowitz Attempt to Push Out Special Ed Kids

Which kids are really getting hurt in the charter wars?

Rally To Support de Blasio and Public  Schools in Harlem Tomorrow
Where:  Outside PS/ MS 149
When : 4: 00- 5:00  March 10
41 W.  117th St between Lennox Ave and Fifth
Subway:  2 or 3 to 116th
Even as Mayor Bill de Blasio’s  handling of the issue of charter school co-locations has disappointed many, it has signaled the end of the era when the likes of entrepreneur Eva Moskowitz is granted whatever entrepreneur Eva Moskowitz  wants, regardless of how many public school children are displaced, short changed and treated  as if they are second rate citizens.    

Over the past week and more, Moskowitz has received absurdly favorable press in New York City papers, even as she once again removed children from schools during school hours, this time to bus  them to Albany as if they were adult lobbyists.  After years of incredibly favorable treatment by the Bloomberg administration, de Blasio has had the political courage to stand up to Moskowitz and her billionaire backers.   

As a result, Moskowitz  and her  friends in the media are doing all they can to paint her and Success Academies  as victims and create the false appearance of overwhelming public support for Moskowitz and the  horrific and destructive policies of Mike Bloomberg.  

They have flooded the air-waves with slick, heart-tugging commercials, engaging in a multi-million dollar public relations campaign designed to do nothing less than trick the public into forgetting that de Blasio won by a margin of 75% over Joe Lhota, in large part because of de Blasio’s rejection of Bloomberg’s education policies, of which Moskowitz  is such a perfect example.   

Today we have an opportunity to once again reaffirm the public will, let Moskowitiz’s billionaires know that they do not own our schools and our city, and let de Blasio know he is not alone.
Please, if you can, come and let your voices be heard loud and clear.  Come and remind Moskowitz’s billionaire backers that we live in a democracy. Above all, come and help insure that all of our children are shown the dignity that all children deserve.

Patrick Walsh

Chapter Leader

PS/ MS 149



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