Was Lottie making space for Eva Moskowitz's Success Charter? The NY Post had an article on the so-called "Blended Learning" program. Chalkbeat reports:
Troubled Murry Bergtraum High School's "blended learning" program has 475 students registered for classes with one teacher.
We wrote about Bergtraum a year and a half ago:
Of course we were right.Jul 22, 2012Given the report below from a teacher in the know on Lottie Almonte, Bergtraum, one of the few large schools remaining in Manhattan becomes a clear target. By the way, watch the end game here -- charter networks like Eva's ..
Of course don't expect the Post to go near the real issue: Bloomberg's attempt to vacate the school for the Eva charter occupation. Note the Post headline:
‘Fail factory’ teacher churns through 475 students per year
The label this a "scam". Exactly whose scam is this?Sure, blame the teacher, the school or whatever. We all knew when she was appointed that Lottie Almonte, who has not succeeded on previous assignments, was put in as a closer, as so many principals have been before her in other schools.
The October PEP sanctioning of the Evil invasion of Bergtraum should be at the top of the list of Farina reversals.
The DOE did a lot of underhanded stuff to try to keep kids from going there - but many more came in September than expected -- many over the counter -- and we know that those kids need the most services. Instead they get Blended Learning, credit recovery on steroids. Just a way to push almost 500 kids out of the school as soon as possible.
Here is a video I shot at the pre-PEP hearing at the school. Chapter leader and MORE member John Elfrank-Dana is the first speech. At the very least watch that segment.
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