Friday 28 February 2014

Parents Call on Moskowitz and Charter Lobby to Use Ad Money to Pay Rent

The charter wars heat up even as de Blasio and Farina take a neutral stance. Yes, Virginia, the enormous charter lobby taking money away from the interests of children and using it to create a bigger share for their own pockets, may be working. Thus the need to continuously counter attack.
See my posts yesterday, especially the misuse of PS 241 by Eva.
Also see Ravitch:
Parents, Eva Angry about de Blasio Co-Location Decisions, But for Different Reasons - Mayor de Blasio and Carmen Farina approved most of the Bloomberg administration’s charter co-locations, to the outrage and dismay of public school parents ... 


Media Contact:
Julian Vinocur, Julian@aqeny.org203.313.2479

Parents to Demand Wealthy Charter School Ad Campaign Backers Use Money to Pay Rent

Outrage Grows as Moskowitz Tries to Sabotage City's Pre-K Advocacy Day in Albany 

*TODAY, FRIDAY 2/28, 10:30AM, 
52 Chambers St./Steps of DOE*
WHAT: Following the charter school industry's new multi-million dollar ad campaign, parents impacted by co-locations will join the city’s leading education groups in demanding wealthy charter school backers put their money towards paying rent.

The controversial ads come as a major charter chain operator, Eva Moskowitz, announced plans to close her schools next Tuesday, to lobby for more charter school funding. Her lobby day is scheduled to compete with an advocacy day for universal pre-K on the same day, a fact that has angered parents across the city who believe pre-K is an urgent educational priority.

*Facts on troubling funding sources for ads will be presented*

WHO: Parents and community members from New York Communities for Change and the Alliance for Quality Education.

WHEN: Friday, Feb. 28th - 10:30AM
WHERE: 52 Chambers St. Lower Manhattan, NY.

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