Big news today of a teacher boycott at one school. More info to come...
- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 25, 2014
Sarah Chambers, Special Education Teacher at Saucedo
(Ms. Chambers will be teaching throughout the day and will need to respond to voicemail messages during breaks.)
Sarah Chambers, Special Education Teacher at Saucedo
(Ms. Chambers will be teaching throughout the day and will need to respond to voicemail messages during breaks.)
Teachers at Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy this morning, through a secret ballot, voted that they would refuse to administer the Illinois State Achievement Test (ISAT). Every single teacher charged with administering the test voted to boycott it. Saucedo Academy is a Chicago Public School serving students from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Beginning next year, the ISAT will no longer be administered. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has said that it would not use the test this year for any of its previous purposes (promotion, entrance to selective enrollment schools or teacher evaluation). Administration of the test is a major intrusion on instruction, disrupting classes at elementary schools for two weeks and taking personnel away from education even longer to administer makeup exams. According to the parent group More Than a Score (, hundreds of parents throughout the city have submitted letters requesting that their students be opted out of the test this year. At Saucedo Academy, teachers have collected more than 300 opt-out letters and the student council voted to encourage all students to opt out of the exam.
Teachers at Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy this morning, through a secret ballot, voted that they would refuse to administer the Illinois State Achievement Test (ISAT). Every single teacher charged with administering the test voted to boycott it. Saucedo Academy is a Chicago Public School serving students from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Beginning next year, the ISAT will no longer be administered. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has said that it would not use the test this year for any of its previous purposes (promotion, entrance to selective enrollment schools or teacher evaluation). Administration of the test is a major intrusion on instruction, disrupting classes at elementary schools for two weeks and taking personnel away from education even longer to administer makeup exams. According to the parent group More Than a Score (, hundreds of parents throughout the city have submitted letters requesting that their students be opted out of the test this year. At Saucedo Academy, teachers have collected more than 300 opt-out letters and the student council voted to encourage all students to opt out of the exam.
WHO: Parents, students and teachers will address the press.
Spanish speakers will be available to comment on camera.
Spanish speakers will be available to comment on camera.
WHAT: Parents, students and teachers will explain their decision to boycott ISAT at the school and call on others throughout Chicago Public Schools to join them.
WHEN: 4:00 PM TODAY, Tuesday, February 25, 2015
WHERE: In front of Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy
2850 West 24th Boulevard
2850 West 24th Boulevard
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