Wednesday 5 March 2014

Tish James Calls for March 8 Meeting: Dear CEC, PTA presidents and Elected Officials Impacted by Co-Locations

Letitia James is making some noise, but it remains to be seen if that is all it is. The meeting announcement doesn't seem to call for de Blasio to revisit the recent decisions and announces an update on the law suit against co-locos. My guess this is not a good sign.

With de Blasio waffling and shaky on the charter/co-loco issue - see Ravitch - The Big Lie about Mayor Bill de Blasio and Charters - Ravitch gently chides him for handing Eva and the charter lobby almost everything they wanted. Their strategy is working in pushing him off the agenda he was elected for.
The question before the Mayor is whether he will continue to fund a dual school system--one sector able to choose the students it wants--and the other sector serving all. He is trying to have it both ways, and it doesn't work. He gave the charter lobby almost everything it wanted, and they still came after him as if he had given them nothing at all. ...Ravitch
I can't make it as there is a MORE meeting on Saturday followed by a happy hour (MOREistas LOVE happy hours). Here is the James email:
Dear CEC, PTA presidents and Elected Officials Impacted by Co-Locations,

I am writing to invite you to a working group meeting with Public Advocate Letitia James and the plaintiffs of the co-location law suit regarding the status of the Department of Education’s (DOE) planned co-locations.

The meeting will take place this coming Saturday, March 8 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at 195 Montague Street, 3rd floor, Brooklyn.  Please rsvp to no later than Friday, March 7th.

During the meeting, we invite you to share your concerns regarding the process related to Education Impact Statements and engagement with the larger school community around shaping policy and priorities in districts citywide. We will also use this meeting to update you on the status of our co-location lawsuit and review a suggested set of principles to be given to the DOE as criteria to be used moving forward for future co-located schools.

We will then have an open meeting to hear from all parents, teachers, SLTs, CECs and elected officials.

Lastly, we will be holding a press conference to share our new principles with the public and invite you to join us to display our unity in calling for an amended colocation process that strengthens schools and builds a better community.

We look forward to meeting with you on Saturday,

Best wishes,
Letitia “Tish” James
New York City Public Advocate

Event Details
Date:               Saturday, March 8, 2014
Time:               10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location:         195 Montague Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn
*****Press Conference will immediately follow the event*****

10:00 AM – 11:45 AM         CEC, PTA Presidents and Elected Officials Meeting w/Public Advocate James
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM             Meeting to hear from parents, teachers, SLT’s, CEC’s and elected officials
1:45                                         Press Conference       


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