Tuesday 4 March 2014

Brooklyn Rally Friday to Oppose de Blasio School Giveaway to Moskowitz/Success Charter

"We want our schools back." Letitia James, at PEP, Oct. 2013..

RALLY, Friday, March 7, 2:30PM at Seth Low, 99 Ave. P.

Will James be there?

The counterattack begins. I know, how many of these anti-Eva rallies have we seen in school after school? Water off her back as she knows that when school opens in the fall the fait accompli will sink in and people will stop protesting.

But here she is entering a slightly different world. A more active and politically connected one. And with Bloomberg, who didn't give a shit, gone and de Blasio thinking about the future and a 2nd term, hitting this Bensonhurst community is a big mistake.

Here is some video from the October 2013 PEP meetings where the Bloomberg PEP was slammed by the same CEC 21 people holding the rally. Now that de Blasio has endorsed the Bloomberg handover to Moskowitz, the same points apply.

Video: District 21 CEC Parents Object to DOE Co-Locations


"We want our schools back." Letitia James, at PEP, Oct. 2013
That was also the night that soon to be elected Tish James made a powerful statement. Where is she now?


And here is Dominick Recchia who formerly supported co-locations going after the other co-loco for Coney Island Prep.


Community Education Council District 21
Description: nyc doe seal

Officers: Heather Fiorica, President · Anna Lembersky, 1st Vice President · Joyce Finger, 2nd Vice President ·
Linda Dalton, Recording Secretary ·Randi Garay, Treasurer
Members Muneer Abualroub·Mohammad Akram·Sean Chin·Maria Di Graziano ·Yoketing Eng·Evangelean Pugh

99 Avenue P

Friday, March 7th
2:30 pm
Come show your support for Seth Low and tell the Mayor to reverse the Success Charter


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