Friday 9 May 2014

A Parent Exposes New NYSUT (Revive) Pro-Cuomo Leadership Phony Militancy at Lake Placid

The most obvious giveaway that NYSUT had completely sold out came when the NYSUT photographer wanted to take a picture of a child who was wearing a sign that said, I "heart" public school, but he wouldn't take a picture of the child's brother whose sign said, No Mo Cuomo. The photographer explicitly stated that NYSUT wouldn't publish anything against Cuomo!.. NYC Parent, Change the Stakes
We all knew this was happening but to have actual proof. Here is her full email to CTS and my response:
Norm and other savvy union members, please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that:
  • UFT and NYSUT will endorse Cuomo
  • In return, they'll get some temporary reprieve from APPR (a moratorium) or some fix in the formula
As has already been reported, the UFT-backed NYSUT slate got a boost from Cuomo in exchange for their silence on the charter deal.

At NYSUT's rally at Lake Placid, it became painfully obvious that NYSUT was not there to challenge Cuomo -- all the rhetoric was directed at DFER and the Walton Foundation. None of the rally speakers said anything about Cuomo (or even Gates!). The most obvious giveaway that NYSUT had completely sold out came when the NYSUT photographer wanted to take a picture of a child who was wearing a sign that said, I "heart" public school, but he wouldn't take a picture of the child's brother whose sign said, No Mo Cuomo. The photographer explicitly stated that NYSUT wouldn't publish anything against Cuomo!
If all this is true, union leadership is even more effed up than I thought....
My response:
I am still in the minority on this but I view the union leadership at city, state and national levels as functioning basically as agents for the other side. This goes back to the early history 50 years ago when union resources were used with the CIA to undermine left leaning teacher unions abroad.
Shanker supported ed deform when Nation at risk came out in 1983. Randi and Mulgrew continue. When you hear militancy it is rhetoric to mislead. Always watch what they do not what they say. Your story nails what they are all about.
Will they endorse Cuomo? They will check the internal political wind to see if they can get away with it. If not they will sit it out. Cuomo will understand. Unless his numbers are falling and he needs them. Then they will paint the Republican as a monster.
And Lisa says:
I am not up on the inter workings of NYSUT, but it would be in line for the UFT/NYSUT to endorse Cuomo. Remember they endorsed Pataki when he came up with a small amount of money (perhaps $100,000) for the teachers contract, but at the same time would not give a penny for settling the CFE lawsuit. The lawsuit would have given NYC BILLIONS of dollars! 


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