Thursday 8 May 2014

Demi Moore Asks $75 Million For Big Apple Triplex

The New York Post reported today that Demi Moore quietly wants an astonishing $75 million for her triplex digs at the twin-towered and celeb-approved San Remo building on Central Park West. That's right, puppies, $75 million. The sky-high price—which, according to the kids at Curbed, makes it a contender for the highest price co-operative sale ever—includes a ground floor two bedroom apartment for staff and/or guests.

Details about Miz Moore's triplex are—at best—slim, but last year tongues wagged when it became tabloid fodder that Miz Moore wanted her much younger third husband, actor/producer/tech investor Ashton Kutcher, to cough up an unknown but probably giant wad to cover unspecified renovation costs.

Over the years the San Remo has been home to scads and scores of rich and famous folk including (but hardly limited to) Dustin Hoffman, Steven Martin, Steven Spielberg, Glenn Close, Donna Karan, Tiger Woods, Diane Keaton, Princess Yasmin Aga Kahn and her mother, Rita Hayworth. Steve Jobs owned and renovated but never moved into a duplex penthouse he sold to U2's uni-monikered frontman Bono who later did legal battle with his 1980s rocker neighbor Billy Squier over fireplace smoke. Last December (2013) investor/philanthropist Robert Wilson jumped to his death from one of the three terraces of his 16th floor apartment that's currently listed for $25 million.

Miz Moore's property portfolio currently includes a contemporary, canyon side house on a gated, celebrity-lined road in the Beverly Hills Post Office area that she bought in April 2003 for $3.15 million and had worked over by high-octane designer Brad Dunning and much-lauded architects Ron Radziner and Leo Marmol. She formerly shared property with Mister Kutcher and had it photographed for Architectural Digest (March, 2007). As far as we know, she also continues to own a slew of property in and around Hailey, ID.

exterior photo: Christopher Bride for Property Shark


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