Monday 20 January 2014

Loretta and Gene Prisco 70th Birthday, Jan. 19, 2013

Photo from the Goldfine/Rashal wedding 2 years ago. Loretta and Gene back row. We all gathered at Gene's memorial on Jan. 5. (video to come)

We all met in the early 70s and have remained a tight group politically and socially since. Gene Prisco's memorial a few weeks ago reminded us of the ties - and Loretta struggles with a very serious illness. Here is something to remember from happier times just a year ago when we celebrated both of their 70th birthdays.

In August 2012 we also gathered for the wedding of their daughter Gabrielle to Ra -- somewhere we have a picture of that too.

A year has passed since this festive event and what has occurred to this amazing family pushes against the boundaries of belief. Excuse the very bad sound and camera work -- I was in the back of a crowded room and using a phone-like camera.


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