Thursday 30 January 2014

Don't Miss This Event on Saturday, Feb 1: More Than a Score - Talking Back to Testing

Again, with a new mayor, a new chancellor and a movement building, it's a great time to engage with others who envision an educational system that is centered on the needs of children, focused on real teaching and learning and what is possible beyond the corporate reforms of the day.

Connect with others who want to stop the over-use of testing in OUR schools this Saturday 11-3pm
Join the citywide effort to promote real teaching and learning!

Workshops, panels, keynote speakers, meet and mingle!
Reynolds West Side High School
140 West 102nd st NYC

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More Than a Score:
Talking Back to Testing

Edward A. Reynolds West Side High School

140 West 102nd Street, NYC Saturday, February 1, 2014
11 am - 3 pm

Find out how you can stop the overuse of High Stakes Testing in your school! Join the citywide effort to promote real teaching and learning!

Workshops include:
• High Stakes Testing 101: The Truth About Testing Change the Stakes
•Teacher Evaluation, Testing, and the new UFT Contract The MORE Contract Committee
•Stopping the Test-Fueled School-to-Prison Pipeline Teachers Unite
• Portfolio Based Assessments in Middle and High School Educators from Consortium (non-regents) High Schools
How can Students Fight Back? NYC Student Union
•Portfolio Based Assessments in Elementary Schools Elementary school educators
Cost: FREE (Childcare will be provided)
To RSVP, e-mail OR find us online: twitter: @MOREcaucusNYC

MORE (The Movement of Rank and File Educators), Change the Stakes, Teachers Unite, the NYC Student Union, and your fellow progressive educators, parents, students, and community members can’t wait to see you there!


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