Friday 10 January 2014

Is Mulgrew Left Twisting in the Wind With NYSUT/Iannuzzi Move for No Confidence in John King?

Is NYSUT/Iannuzzi a stalking horse for UFT/Mulgrew?
[NYSUT President Iannuzzi] said the NYSUT Board of Directors will meet within the next two weeks, and he feels confident they will approve his request. The resolution will then go before the union’s full representative assembly in April – assuming, Iannuzzi said, that if by that time its call for a three-year moratorium on using Common Core exam results for so-called “high-stakes decisions” on teacher evaluations has not been heeded. -- NYState of Politics

NYSUT has been among the loudest critics of the state's rollout of the tougher standards and has pushed for a three-year moratorium on using student scores on Common Core-aligned for “high stakes” decisions, like teacher evaluations.... Capital NY 
Note how the UFT, the elephant in the room, is left out of the discussion. The press doesn't try to get a comment from Mulgrew or speculate on the implications?

Will the UFT/Unity crowd go along? Of course is the obvious response -- doesn't Unity control NYSUT? Isn't Mulgrew using Iannuzzi as a stalking horse so he doesn't have to take responsibility? Hmmm. Velly interesting. Maybe not.

Something interesting is brewing. Mike Mulgrew has expressed his love man crush for John King and deep affection for Merryl Tish over the years. Remember: Richard Iannuzzi is not from NYC and is not homegrown Unity, though he could not have got elected as president without Unity support. The UFT has always allowed the NYSUT president to come from outside the city -- Iannuzzi is from Long Island - but control many of the mechanisms within NYSUT -- check out the web page for details: - 
but for those who don't, see the end of this piece for the rogues gallery - how many Unity people do you know?

So if Shelly Silver doesn't push the 3-year moratorium on common core, Iannuzzi says he will bring this to the NYSUT Rep Assembly - April 4-6 at the NY Hilton where 800 of our fave Unity slugs get a free junket with meal money. I never go to these but this one might be fun.

Here are 2 reports:

Officers and Board Of Directors of NYSUT

Officers At Large
president richard c iannuzzi
Richard C. Iannuzzi
Executive Board Member
  executive vice president andrew pallotta

Andrew Pallotta
Executive Vice President
Executive Board Member
 vice president maria neira
Maria Neira

Vice President
Executive Board Member
  vice president kathleen donahue
Kathleen M. Donahue
Vice President
Executive Board Member
 secretary treasurer lee cutler
Lee Cutler
Secretary Treasurer
Executive Board Member
Election District Directors
Donald Benker
E.D. 1
Executive Board Member
Janet Utz
E.D. 2  
Thomas Parker
E.D. 3  
Joseph Sweeny
E.D. 4 
Adam Urbanski
ED 5
Executive Board Member
Michael Herlan
ED 6  
Sylvia Matousek
E.D. 7  
Diana Giffune
E.D. 8 
Jeanette Stapley
E.D. 9  
Anthony McCann
E.D. 10  
Kenneth Smith
E.D. 11  
Stacey Caruso-Sharpe
E.D. 12
Executive Board Member
Kathleen Taylor
E.D. 13  
Paul Ellis-Graham
E.D. 14  
Karen Magee
E.D. 15  
Jeffrey Yonkers
E.D. 16 
Kenneth Ulric
E.D. 17  
Barbara Hafner
E.D. 18  
Christine Vasilev
E.D. 19  
John Mansfield
E.D. 20 
Tim Southerton
E.D. 21  
Paul Pecorale
E.D. 22  
Antoinette Blanck
E.D. 23  
Karen Blackwell Alford
E.D. 24 (UFT) 
Jose Vargas
E.D. 25 (UFT)  
Evelyn DeJesus
E.D. 26 (UFT)  
Rona Freiser
E.D. 27 (UFT)  
Arthur Pepper
E.D. 28 (UFT) 
Emil Pietromonaco
E.D. 29 (UFT)  
Anthony Harmon
E.D. 30 (UFT)  
Bob Astrowsky
E.D. 31 (UFT)
Executive Board Member
Catalina Fortino
E.D. 32 (UFT) 
Paul Egan
E.D. 33 (UFT)  
Michael Mendel
E.D. 34 (UFT)
Executive Board Member
LeRoy Barr
E.D. 35 (UFT)  
Iris DeLutro
E.D. 37 (City & Private Higher Ed.) 
Steven London
E.D. 38 Steven London  
Ellen Schuler Mauk
E.D. 39 (Community Colleges)
Executive Board Member
Edward Quinn
E.D. 40 (State Higher Ed. – UUP)  
Rowena Blackman-Stroud
E.D. 41 (State Higher Ed. – UUP) 
Thomas Matthews
E.D. 42 (State Higher Ed. – UUP)  
Philip Rumore
E.D. 44  
Catherine Savage
E.D. 45  
Matthew Hill
E.D. 46 
Loretta Donlon
E.D. 51 (Retiree)  
Joan Perrini
E.D. 52 (Retiree)  
Thomas Murphy
E.D. 53 (Retiree)
At Large Directors
Kristin Sterling
E.D. 1 & 3  
John Burns
E.D. 2 & 44  
Eileen Healy
E.D. 4 & 46  
David DeFelice
E.D. 5 & 6 
Paul Farfaglia
E.D. 7 & 8
Executive Board Member
Rod Sherman
E.D. 9 & 10
Executive Board Member
Dona Murray
E.D. 11, 12 & 45  
Carla McLaud
E.D. 13 & 14 
Patricia Puleo
E.D. 15 & 16
Executive Board Member
Selina Durio
E.D. 17-20  
Edward Vasta
E.D. 18-19  
Nadia Resnikoff
E.D. 21-22-23
Executive Board Member
Richard Farkas
E.D. 24-25  
Howard Schoor
E.D. 26-27  
Carmen Alvarez
E.D. 28-29  
Michael Mulgrew
E.D. 30-31
Executive Board Member
Janella Hinds
E.D. 32-33  
Sterling Roberson
E.D. 34-35  
Barbara Bowen
E.D. 37-38-39
Executive Board Member
Phillip H. Smith
E.D. 40-41-42
Executive Board Member
Joseph McLaughlin
E.D. 51-52-53  
Shelvy Young Abrams
Executive Board Member
Margie Brumfield
SRP At-Large  
Sandra Carner-Shafran
SRP At-Large
Executive Board Member
Catherine Rienth
SRP At Large  
Deborah Paulin
SRP At-Large  
Anne Goldman
Health Care At-Large  
Stephen Rechner
Private Sector Higher Ed At-Large 
Andrew Sako
Community College At-Large  
Morton Rosenfeld
At-Large National Unification 


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