Sunday 1 December 2013

Teachers Talk Testing @PS 321K, Tues. Dec. 3 - With MOREistas Cavanagh, Coleman and More

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We'll be holding a Teachers Talk Testing Forum at PS 321 this Tuesday, 12/3 at 6:30pm. I'll be speaking - among other great guests - and I urge you to attend if you are able to make it. We'll be looking at the impact the high stakes tests are having on teachers professionally... as well as on our classrooms and students. We'll also look at ways we can help lower the stakes surrounding these tests.

Even if you aren't able to make it, you should definitely check out our website, consider signing the petition, and spread the word... a great and easy step we can all take to help lower the stakes around testing in NYC:

Alex Messer
4th Grade Teacher
UFT Chapter Leader
PS 321


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