Sunday 8 December 2013

Diane Ravitch in Red Hook Wednesday Hosted by Julie Cavanagh and PS 15 Red Hook Community

You all know how I feel about both these ladies. Put them together and there's magic. So sorry I can't make this but Darren will be there to film.

Reminder: I Will Be at P.S. 15 in Brooklyn on December 11

by dianeravitch
I will join with teachers, parents, and anyone else who wants to attend on December 11 at 5 pm at P.S. 15 in Brooklyn for a conversation about my recent book Reign of Error. 
No lecture, just discussion. All are welcome.
P.S. 15 is located in Red Hook on Sullivan Street in Brooklyn.
You are invited!
For those of you who get upset when Diane promotes Randi stuff, keep this one in mind and remember that Julie was the one who ran against Mulgrew. Does this mean that Diane is dissing Mulgrew? Not at all, though in the minds of Unity hacks I guess they might think that way. Diane has taken a non-sectarian approach to internal union stuff. Given her long-time connections to the UFT/AFT I look at neutrality as a positive thing, not for MORE per se, but for Julie and the kind of relationships she has built with a remarkable array of people and just by Julie's connection to MORE lends a level of credibility to the opposition that I have generally not seen in the past. (People would run from any hint of connection to the opposition in the UFT - and some still do.)

When I first met Julie 4+ years ago I would never have bet on her to get involved with union politics at this level (I expected her to leave marks on my forehead with a 10-foot pole). I figured she had some ambition and a great array of skills and would go pretty far if she just had gone with Unity.


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