Sunday 8 December 2013

Squaring the Circle on Common Core: Left Meets Right on Huckabee

Interesting too how not one of these people mentioned Gates, Broad and Co.   and all allowed Huckabee to spin a bullshit narrative as to the genesis of CC.  ... Patrick Walsh

....apparently Huckabee has been getting heat from his audience for his support of Common Core so the beginning is his attempt to pull away/clarify his views on the topic – not altogether successfully... Leonie Haimson
I haven't had time to watch these videos yet. But Carol Burris and Ethan Young appearing on FOX is something to behold. Here is Leonie's update:

NY HS principal  Carol Burris and Tennessee HS student Ethan Young on the Common Core & tests on Huckabee show last night.

Carol was named principal of the year is the author of a petition against the teacher eval system in NYS that more than 1/3 the principals in the state signed onto.

Ethan’s speech before the Knox Co. school board on the Common Core has gone viral on YouTube, BuzzFeed and elsewhere.

Their appearance on the Huckabee Show is in two segments on you tube
Carol and Ethan come on at about 7 minutes in the first segment; apparently Huckabee has been getting heat from his audience for his support of Common Core so the beginning is his attempt to pull away/clarify his views on the topic – not altogether successfully.

Leonie Haimson
Executive Director
Class Size Matters


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