Monday 18 November 2013

MORE Update: Come out to the Delegate Assembly to Take a Stand against the New Evaluation System!

There is no question in my mind that the MORE initiatives and organizing efforts have pushed the UFT leadership -- but I view recent moves as an attempt to co-opt, not a real change in policy. Support for common core? Check. Support for teacher ratings based on VAM? Check. And so on. It's all about lousy and incompetent implementation, blah, blah, blah.

At the first MORE meeting in September a new attendee turned to me and asked, "Why are you guys calling for a moratorium and not the abolition of this system?" I  responded that the idea was to try to get something that could provide immediate relief for teachers, students and parents and use that to build momentum for a call to end Race to the Top and all the crap that comes with it.

When another new attendee said something similar a few minutes later,  it began to dawn on me that maybe we -- MORE -- were tailing the sentiment of the rank and file by not calling for something stronger.

Since then events have certainly taken on a momentum of their own, with parents rising up around the state, teacher disgust running rampant, the union backtracking while still claiming the problem is the implementation.

MORE has reshuffled a bit. While still planning to present the moratorium petition signed by so many, there is a newly written resolution calling for repeal of the state law. Pie in the sky? I would have thought so 2 months ago. There is a state-wide parent uprising, including a growing opt-out movement -- which our exalted leadership views as a plague (in contrast to the Chicago Teachers Union). But if the UFT rank and file rises up and joins with MORE forcing the leadership to move in that direction becomes more feasible. REMEMBER THEIR PRIME DIRECTIVE: TO HOLD ONTO POWER AT ALL COSTS. So when they see a threat they will move the needle but to coopt and distract not a real change in policy. I have no trust they will really change.

Below is the full reso and talking points -- hard to read here but if you click this link ( it is better - and you can download and share with colleagues. It is followed by the MORE Weekly Update packed with info and links to some good stuff.

If you are a delegate or chapter leader or just an interested party, meet us at the DA where MORE will present the petitions calling for a moratorium we have been circulating since the school year began. Naturally, the UFT/Unity crew has tried to co-opt the MORE move with its own call for moratoriums.

And meet outside at 6:15 to head over to some local joint for libations and celebrations.

View this email in your browser

Join MORE Delegates and Chapter Leaders to Demand an End to the New Eval System

at the UFT Delegate Assembly
Wednesday, November 20th
4:15pm, 52 Broadway
(4,5,6, 2, J to Wall St., 1 to Rector, J to Broad)
Click here for leaflet
Click here for the flier of our resolution calling for the UFT to  mobilize to end the new evaluation law, including talking points on the reverse side 

We can use the introduction of this resolution to organize people and build a campaign against the evaluation system, before, during and after the Delegate Assembly.

Please help out by making copies of the leaflet and coming early to help distribute it.

MORE Holiday Party
Check out the awesome video here

We have a lot to celebrate!
All year we’ve been fighting for better teaching
and learning conditions and a more democratic union.
Join us for festivities, fun, food, and drinks
Friday, Dec. 6, 5-9pm
21 West 35th St. (between 5th – 6th Aves.) NYC
Brooklyn College
Tue., Nov 19th
11AM and again at 4PM
Click here for details

Resistance News Round-up

John King Faces Parent, Teacher Wrath at Hearings

An Open Letter to Bill de Blasio
MORE's Mike Schirtzer

10 Collossal Errors of the Common Core
Anthony Cody

Should We "Play Nice" with the NEA/AFT?
Lois Weiner

NEA, AFT, Common Core and VAM
Mercedes Schneider

Steering Committee Elections

A new election for Steering Committee is quickly approaching.

There are 9 seats with 6 month terms, any MORE member is eligible. our membership agreed we wanted diversity in all of its forms.

Please nominate yourself or someone else by emailing before December 6th. Voting will be electronic between 12/6 and 12/20.
Don't like what the Common Core is doing to our schools? Join the committee formulating MORE's position - email
Membership Renewal Time is here. Please renew your MORE membership for the  2013-14 school year. You can pay via Paypal, send in a check.

We are asking $25/year (or less, if this is not possible). Better yet, become a Monthly Sustainer.

To renew your membership, click here.

Only current members can vote in the elections for the MORE Steering Committee.

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Join MORE Today / Renew Annual Membership
Make Sure You Join Our Listservs!
Click below to join:
News (announcements/articles)
Discussion (debate/back-and-forth)
Chapter Leader (discussion for chapter activists)

Jan. 18th, 2014
New Location!
The Commons
388 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Friday, Dec. 6th, 5-9pm
21 W 35th St (betw. 5th & 6th)

Fri., Nov. 22, 5:30pm
CUNY Grad Center
365 5th Ave, Rm, 5489


Steering Committee
Phone Meeting
Mon., Dec 2, 8:30pm - Reply for info

Membership Committee
Bring ideas to help new members get involved in our work!
Sat., Nov. 23th, 11am - 1pm
Park Slope
Reply for exact location

Contract Committee
Next Meeting Wed. Nov. 20 after DA
Au Bon Pain
60 Broad St.

Chapter Organizing Committee
Planning Meeting Nov. 21, 5PM
Location TBA

High Stake Testing Committee
Mon., Dec 30, 1pm
Public Atrium, 60 Wall Street

Newsletter Committee

Media Committee

Comments? Suggestions?
Email with items for future updates


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