Thursday 28 November 2013

Is Citizens of the World Charter Using Public tax Money to Pay Expensive Public Relations Firm?

My message to CWC: If you have money to pay Heather Vega and Larson Communications, PAY THE DAMN

Who is Heather Vega?
Heather has been writing emails to major press on behalf of CWC to try to get some positive press and offset their history of racist marketing, investigations into fraud, the incompetence of their Board of Directors, and the widespread opposition to the school in District 14... WAGPOPS
I saw the letter that Heather Vega sent out as an advertisement/propaganda/press release to get ANYone in the press to write a story about Citizens that doesn't mention the IRS investigation, or their racist marketing practices, or the NY lawsuit launched by hundreds of parents, or the LA lawsuits, or the three students hospitalized due to their negligence, or the high turnover at their Silverlake school...Brooke Dunn Parker
Did you know that less than 5% of CWC Williamsburg students are from the two zip codes surrounding the school?

So much for "demand" for charter schools, especially when they are run by crooks.

We're being watched.

Citizens of the World Charter School hired an EXPENSIVE PR firm to help with crisis management. 

Below is the link to the bio for their NY rep, Heather Vega. Heather has been writing emails to major press on behalf of CWC to try to get some positive press and offset their history of racist marketing, investigations into fraud, the incompetence of their Board of Directors, and the widespread opposition to the school in District 14.

Note that one of Vega's specialties is monitoring the chatter on social networks.

Imagine what OUR schools would do with the money Citizens of the World Charter Schools is spending on "positive re-branding."

We told CWC all along that parents in this community did not want them here. And the numbers proved us right.

Evidence speaks louder than marketing. Not even 5% of CWC Williamsburg students are from the two zip codes surrounding the school. Spin that, Larson PR.
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  • Stephanie Cote' Anderson If you go to Larson's page on Twitter, several Charter organizations pop up as recommendations to follow.

  • Brooke Dunn Parker This is the second PR firm they hired, right? I saw the letter that Heather Vega sent out as an advertisement/propaganda/press release to get ANYone in the press to write a story about Citizens that doesn't mention the IRS investigation, or their racist marketing practices, or the NY lawsuit launched by hundreds of parents, or the LA lawsuits, or the three students hospitalized due to their negligence, or the high turnover at their Silverlake school... the list goes on. I'd buy stock in Larson PR because they're making a LOT of money.
Ed Notes on CWC:
  1. Ed Notes Online: Trashing Citizens of the World Scam Charter ...
    Feb 15, 2013 -

  2. Big Education Ape: 10-10-13 Ed Notes Online: Citizens of the World ...
    Oct 10, 2013 - 1 by ed notes online / 40min. Citizens of the World Charter Run By Eva's Husband May Close Due to Low Enrollment. Goodbye Eric (Grannis) ...

  3. Big Education Ape: Ed Notes Online: Trashing Citizens of the World ...
    Feb 15, 2013 - As registration is happening for citizens of the world (part of Eva Moskowitz empire), if you could circulate these negative articles and have ...

  4. Citizens of the World Charter Corporation Scandals - Bitly
    Ed Notes Online: Report from the Hearing on Citizens of the World Charter Schools.


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