Sunday 17 November 2013

Have Fun With MOREistas at the Holiday Party, Dec. 6

Thank goodness. A party instead of a meeting in December. Here is your chance if you haven't touched base with us to eat, drink and be merry. And you don't even have to say the magic words: social justice. But you can bitch all you want about the UFT, Advance, ed eval, Randi, Mulgrew, etc. Or not. Just have some fun -- even if you're in Unity or New Action --- just parteeeeeee!

MORE Holiday Party 12/6

by morecaucusnyc
We have a lot to celebrate!

All year we’ve been fighting for better working
and learning conditions and a more democratic union.

Join us for festivities, fun, food, and drinks.
Friday, Dec. 6, 5-9pm
21 West 35th St. (between 5th – 6th Aves.) NYC

Our video link here


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