Wednesday 24 July 2013

UPDATE: Le Palais

Several weeks ago Your Mama passed along some juicy Platinum Triangle real estate gossip about Lola Karimova-Tillaeva—the 30-something old daughter of Uzbekistan's dictatorial president, Islam Karimov—being the mysterious buyer of Le Palais, a massive mansion set behind high walls and higher hedges directly across the street from the perennially chic Beverly Hills Hotel. The existing residence was spec-built from the ground up by mega-mansion developer Mohamed Hadid who listed the ersatz palace on the open market last year with an asking price of $58 million.

Our snitchy source Peter Propertypurveyor told Your Mama that the rumored purchase price then circulating around the upper echelons of the Bev Hills real estate world was about $47 million. Well, children, the actual, recorded purchase price for the ostentatiously palatial 48,000 (or so) square foot behemoth was nowhere near the $58 million dollar asking price or the rumored $47 (or so) million purchase price. Of course, it's entirely possible there were other monies or assets exchanged between buyer and seller that increased to overall purchase price but the amount on which the new owner will be taxed is the recorded price of—drum roll, please—$32,750,000.

There the curious have it. Moving along now...


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