Monday 1 April 2013

Why Colon Cleanse Will Save Your Health

You are dangerously risking the wrath of your bowel, for not doing colon cleanse.

I know this because just the other day, the body parts met to decide who should be president.

The brain declared, “I should be the president because I do all the thinking and keep the body out of danger. Without me, none of you would make it through to the end of the week.”

The heart declared, “I should be the president because I circulate nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood and nourish the entire body. Without me, none of you would make it past a day.”

The lungs declared, “I should be the president because I infuse oxygen into the bloodstream. And oxygen is indispensable to the body’s survival. Without me, none of your would make it past an hour.”

The nose declared, “I should be the president because I take in the oxygen in the first place. If I shut down, you’ll all be dead within minutes.”

It went on and on, with every body part shouting the reasons why, it should be the president.

Then the bowel declared, "I should be president because…..

Everyone burst out laughing. The bowel was not even allowed the opportunity to make his case. The other body parts were hilariously cracking jokes at his expense. Some asked derisively, how come a guy, who handles shit, think that, he should be the president?

The bowel was so offended by their mockery that; he unilaterally went on strike, completely refusing to work.   

A while later, accumulated feces started decaying in the large intestines. A flood of toxic wastes and pathogenic bacteria infected the bloodstream, causing every other body part to malfunction. The brain became foggy. The heart became erratic. The lungs became queasy. Slimy mucus started incontinently dripping down the nostrils.

It didn’t last long before repentant body parts went begging the bowels to resume work and hold the presidency for as long as he pleased.


Off course, that was a little joke.

But the necessity of occasional colon cleanse is not joke. Unfortunately too many people neglect their bowels because of the stigma associated with shit.

Let’s face it! Shit, excrement, feces are shocking and disgusting words, which hurt the sense of propriety of decent people. However, the love of your health demands that you deal with this natural part of life.

Colon cancer also known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer is the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths. You can verify this unpleasant but truthful statistic from the American Cancer Society official website. I am not providing you with this gruesome statistic for my sadistic pleasure. I am only giving you the facts.

Feces glide on the walls of the large intestines as it travels to the anus for excretion. Tiny sediments of shit remain encrusted on the walls of the bowels. These sediments are the direct cause of colon melanoma. Even if you slept through biology 101, you can’t be ignorant of the fact that, feces are toxic waste materials produced from digestion.


Over time, the effect of these little quantities of poisonous waste accumulated on the walls of the large intestine becomes a mortal danger to your health. The toxins transfuse into the bloodstream causing:

  • Occasional indigestion and constipation,

  • Occasional bloating, gas and farts,

  • Occasional headaches and migraines,

  • Frequent tiredness, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Think about it. You didn’t need coffee when you were a kid and your metabolic system was in top condition. As you failed to cleanse your colon over the years, harmful toxins which disrupt your metabolism accumulated.

  • Incidentally, the disruption in your metabolism also results in weight gain because your calories are inefficiently processed during digestion.


A quick visit to a hydro-therapist every 4months will restore your metabolic system. Colonic irrigation performed by a qualified professional is very effective. Unfortunately, no one likes the horror of violating objects, being thrusted through their anus.     

Fortunately, recent scientific breakthroughs have discovered a safe and natural oral alternative, which can be securely used at home. The AcaiPlus and DetoxPlus colon cleanse combo deliver reliable and astonishing results.

After a few days, you will begin to feel the vibrant vitality of your youth. Remember those energetic days when, you could play all the day and your parents literally had to drug you to sleep with Nesquik. You will experience dynamic energy levels because your purified metabolic system will efficiently process calories. Efficient processing of calories also means that fats will not accumulate in your body.   

Click here to buy theAcaiPlus and DetoxPlus combo for a small sum, less than $80.

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